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Sunday 29 January 2017

I made Kcee what he is today – Harrysong

Former member, Five Star music, Harrysong, has claimed that it was actually Kcee who begged him on ‘bended knees’ to help salvage his dying career.

Last Friday, Harrysong was arrested by Five Star music and shortly after his release, the record label claimed that the Reggae Blues crooner had profusely begged Kcee to sign him into the label some years ago.

According to Five Star Music, Harrysong was fond of abandoning contracts halfway which was one of the reasons he left his first record label, QuestionMark Entertainment.

In a swift reaction, Harrysong’s new record label, Altar Plate released a statement signed by the company’s media manager, Desmond Ike -Chima, on Sunday, where Harrysong also claimed that he was not arrested by the police, rather he was invited by officers from the Onikan Police Station in Lagos.

The statement reads, “It was 8 am and policemen acting on the instruction of the Assistant Inspector General of Police in Onikan, stormed our hotel room to invite Harrysong over for questioning.

“As a law abiding citizen with nothing to fear, we got dressed up and went to the AIG’ s office. On getting there, we were greeted by the presence of a haggard looking young man in cheap suit, identified as Five Star Music’s lawyer.

“As against the kangaroo statement released by Five Star Music, Harrysong did not at any time approach anyone or company to sign him; it was Kcee [who] approached Harrysong on bended knees to help salvage his dying career after he fell out with his then partner [Presh].

“As much as Harrysong loved to help him out in that time of need, it is worthy of note that Kcee is talentless and knows next to nothing about music.

“Harrysong had a running contract with Questionmark Records, but out of desperation, Kcee and Five Star Music were prepared to pay off Kelvin Luciano in their quest to have Harrysong at all cost.

“It should be recalled that Harrysong succeeded in recreating Kcee’s sound, as he wrote and co – produced hits including Had it been I know, Okpekete.

“Limpopo, Pull Over and other songs that defined the Kcee that everyone now knows and celebrates today.

“For what it’ s worth, Harrysong’s dealing with Five Star Music was with the clause that he would be left to pursue his career whenever he deemed it fit. For the records, Altarplate has come to stay and the general public can do business with Harrysong and Alterplate management.”

Google blocked 1.7bn advertisements in 2016, says director

Mr Scott Spencer, Google’s Director of Product Management Sustainable Advertisements, said that Google blocked 1.7 billion advertisements in 2016 for violating its advertising policies.

Spencer said in a statement on Saturday in Lagos that the number was double the bad ads the company took down in 2015.

He said that Google achieved this because of its improved technology.

”If you spent one second taking down each of those bad ads, it’d take you more than 50 years to finish. But our technology is built to work much faster.

”Last year, we did two key things to take down more bad ads. First, we expanded our policies to better protect users from misleading and predatory offers.

”In July we introduced a policy to ban ads for payday loans, which often result in unaffordable payments and high default rates for users.

”In the six months since launching this policy, we disabled more than five million payday loan ads.

”Second, we beefed up our technology so we can spot and disable bad ads even faster.

”For example, ‘trick to click’ ads often appear as system warnings to deceive users into clicking on them, not realising they are often downloading harmful software or malware,” the director said.

He said that in 2016, Google’s systems detected and disabled 112 million ads for ‘trick to click’, which was six times more than in 2015.

According to him, a free and open web is a vital resource for people and businesses around the world.

He said that ads played a key role in ensuring that people had access to accurate, quality information online.

”But bad ads can ruin the online experience for everyone. They promote illegal products and unrealistic offers.

”They can trick people into sharing personal information and infect devices with harmful software.

”Ultimately, bad ads pose a threat to users, Google’s partners, and the sustainability of the open web itself.

”We have a strict set of policies that govern the types of ads we do and don’t allow on Google, in order to protect people from going for misleading, inappropriate or harmful ads,” Spencer said.

He commended its team of engineers, policy experts, product managers and others who were waging a daily fight against bad actors.

The director said that over the years, the commitment had made the web a better place for everyone, and a worse place for those who seek to abuse advertising systems for their own gain.

He said that in addition to its efforts and commitment, Google supported industry efforts like the Coalition for Better Ads to protect people from bad experiences across the web.

According to him, while Google took down more bad ads in 2016 than ever before, the battle does not end there.

”As we invest in better detection, the scammers invest in more elaborate attempts to trick our systems.’’

He promised that the company would continue to protect people online and ensured that they got the best services  from the open web. (NAN)

Friday 27 January 2017

ROCKING!!! as Akinno released a new single titled (FIRE DAB)


Song Title- Fire Dab

Artist- Akinno

Genre- Rap


Release Date- December 29, 2016

Producer- Mr Robin E

Mixing and Mastering- Mr Robin E

Studios- Robin beat



Composer- Akinno

Download Here

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Google Rolls Out Instant Apps Feature For Android: Download And Run Apps Without Installing Them

Instant Apps for Android, announced in Google's I/O developer conference last year, was tagged as a feature that would forever change how users download apps into their mobile devices.

In a post on the Android Developers blog, it was revealed that the feature has now been released through a few apps, as part of a limited test that users can choose to participate in.

What Is Android Instant Apps?

The Instant Apps feature for Android will allow users to download and run apps on their smartphones and tablets without having to go through the full installation process.

When accessing certain websites, users may see suggestions to instead download a particular app. The app will allow for a streamlined mobile device experience to access the content of the website, but users can skip the installation process of the app and access the browser version of the website instead.

Instant Apps will allow Android apps to open and load almost instantly on mobile devices. While not as fast as loading a webpage, accessing the app will only take a few seconds, much faster than having to download and install it first.

To take advantage of the feature,developers will only need to update their existing apps to include the functionality, as Instant Apps uses the same source code and APIs found in Android apps.

Android Instant Apps Rolls Out

Eight months after Instant Apps was announced, the feature is now open for limited testing, with the first apps to include the feature being those of BuzzFeed, Periscope, Wish, and Viki. The Android team will be collecting feedback from users who are participating in the testing of the feature, with the goal of expanding Instant Apps functionality to more apps and more users in the near future.

Users who would like to participate in testing Instant Apps can try accessing any of the websites of the first apps offering the feature. For example, if a user would click a link to a BuzzFeed webpage from Google search results, the Instant Apps feature will kick in. A module of the BuzzFeed app containing the webpage that the user is looking to enter would be brought up, instead of directing the user to the browser version of the webpage.

Instant Apps was expected to be rolled out by the end of 2016, so the Android team is late in getting the feature out by a month. The slight delay will likely be forgiven by users, though, as Instant Apps presents a very unique way of accessing content.

Uses For Instant Apps

Google is planning to have the full SDK for the Instant Apps feature completed over the coming months so that developers would be able to add the functionality to their apps.

However, there are currently only a limited number of ways that Instant Apps can change the usage of mobile devices, but it will likely become an important feature in the future as developers start thinking of ways on how to use it.

With the rise of virtual reality and augmented reality, users will soon increasingly need to utilize the complete capabilities of their mobile devices to access content instead of visiting a website, and Instant Apps will be ready to offer its services by then.

Monday 23 January 2017

Samsung: Why is it doing so well despite Galaxy Note 7 fiasco?

The 9.2 trillion won ($7.2bn; £5.8bn) quarterly profit is the South Korean firm's highest since 2013.

In October, the smartphone maker had to scrap the Note 7, after recalling 2.5 million handsets.Batteries were blamed for phones catching fire.

Samsung has also been embroiled in a corruption scandal, threatening its reputation, so how has it done so well?

It's not just about phones

Recalling and then ultimately killing off the Note 7, is thought to have cost Samsung $5.3bn (£4.3bn), a sum that would have made the firm's profits far bigger.

But while it is the world's biggest smartphone maker, phones are not its only business. It is also well known for its flat screen televisions and that side of things is doing well.

But the real jewel in the crown has been its semiconductor business which makes the chips for phones and servers.

Memory chip prices are rising sharply as demand grows, primarily from phone makers and Samsung is the biggest maker of the chips, ahead of rivals like Toshiba.

Customers seem unfazed

Despite the YouTube videos of burning phones, the drip-drip of negative stories and the internet memes, Samsung does not seem to have been as tarnished anywhere near as badly as you might expect.

A Reuters/IPOS study in the aftermath of the scandal found Samsung users in the US remained as loyal to their brand as Apple users were to their iPhones.

Because the problem was identified shortly after the Note 7 was released the recall was mostly limited to early adopters, and this limited the negative experiences, said Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research.

"Your own personal experience trumps what you read and what people tell you," Dawson at the time of the Reuters/Ipsos poll.

And Samsung has said that after its recall, most customers chose to replace their Note 7 with a different Samsung handset - including the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge - rather than getting the money back.

Our correspondents in South Korea say that a major corporate scandal - which led to a court being asked to issue an arrest warrant for the firm's heir apparent over bribery allegations - did not seem to have tarnished the corporation's reputation at home dramatically either.

However, while the arrest request was turned down, Samsung remains embroiled in the case and the firm has acknowledged the "changing political landscape in Korea" could have some longer term impact on the business. So future results will be watched closely.

Currency benefit

Not a particularly glamorous explanation but the strong dollar has also been a benefit to Samsung.

The won's value against the US currency has fallen, meaning that when sales from overseas are brought back to South Korea they are worth more.

It's something all South Korean exporters have benefited from recently.

Of course currency fluctuations work both ways, and the strong dollar means that any dollar-denominated debt is more expensive.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Facebook To Start Paying Users For Uploaded Videos? (See Interesting Details)

Facebook is going to start paying you for all those videos you upload on Facebook soon but don’t get too excited as there’s a twist in this tale. A very painful and annoying one. If you’re willing to compromise or probably loose your fans for some extra cash then you shouldn’t have a problem.

Remember those pre-roll ads on YouTube that usually start before the video you want to view and can only be skipped after 5 seconds?

I’ve got good news for you then, Mark Zuckerberg also hates them.

The bad news? Well, Facebook is planning to introduce another type of advertising that might prove to be very annoying.

I’m talking about mid-roll ads. These ads are coming to Facebook videos, and they will interrupt what you’re watching to display an ad.

The mid-roll ads will be shown after you’ve watched a video for just 20 seconds. Thankfully it’ll be will only be available for videos that are at least up to 2 minutes long, but they still have the potential to make people stop watching Facebook videos after the initial 20 seconds.

Currently, Mid-roll ads have already been tested for live videos, but the new rollout will now include all videos on Facebook. Facebook will be sharing ad revenue with the content creators, keeping 45% of all sales for itself – just like YouTube does.
For now, this still in the testing phase, but if it proves successful then expect most videos you see on Facebook to become ad-infested pretty soon.

I think it should have an opt in option due to privacy issues on Facebook. Facebook would not want to infringe on user privacy by adding ads without permission from users.

This is the first chance many publishers will have at monetizing their Facebook videos. Facebook users are already watching 100 million hours of video per day, so this will also bag the social network some nice amounts of cash.

Friday 6 January 2017

Funke Akindele, husband launch record label; sign Darey’s former artiste

Nollywood actor, Funke Akindele, and husband, Abdulrasheed Bello, have launched a new record label.

Akindele’s husband, popularly known as JJC, is a singer/actor/music producer and he’s expected to run the affairs of the label, Scene One Records.

The entertainment power couple unveiled the artistes signed to the new record label during their recent housewarming ceremony.

Mo’Eazy, Ruby and Pearl (members of Gemstones), MartinsFeelz and Sonorous are the first batch of artistes signed to Scene One.

“When I met JJC, I loved his talent so much, so, I told him why don’t we have a record label. I don’t know anything about music. My husband is a good producer and singer.

“We went out to look for fresh talent and here we are today,” the star of Jenifa’s Diary said in her remarks.

JJC, meanwhile, revealed that the newly signed artistes are cast members of ‘Industreet’, a television soap opera centred around the Nigerian music industry.

He said: “They are also stars of the new TV show, Industreet. This is our baby, our project so please support.”

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